It is born from the union of EUTERPE, from the ancient Greek εὐ (well) and τέρπω (pleasure), muse of music, "she who rejoices", and MELPOMENE (μελπομένη / from μέηλπενν "sing") Musa of tragedy.
EUTOMENE embodies the two opposing feelings, the joy of life and tragedy and is a metaphor of the dualisms that pervade human existence, first of all the one between good and evil. A new muse who literally "divides" into two" and becomes an angel, an impartial messenger of these two antithetical impulses in perennial struggle with each other.
DESIGNER: Irene Bagnara - ABAVR-
The project is developed in collaboration with the Design 3 Course of the ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS of Verona (Academic Year 2022/2023)

A collection of porcelain ladies, freely inspired by the Greek MUSES, which reinvents the female archetype with a contemporary, stylistically lively and at times irreverent language.