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YÙTÙ, "the Jade rabbit" (in Chinese 玉 兔, yuètù) is a creature present in the mythology and folklore of the Far East where, according to the common imagination, you can see in the depressions of the full moon the figure of a rabbit sitting on his hind legs next to a pestle.
The Yùtù of ICONOCLASTIC, becomes accessory-icon sign of rebellion, overcomes all time and brings with it several messages including provocation, tradition, madness and sensuality.
In Yutù, lady and rabbit are dressed in meanings: the first celebrates their own body and charm while the rabbit, dressing up, upside down the roles and becomes an icon of transgression.
The project is developed in collaboration with the Design 3 Course of the ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS of Verona (Academic Year 2022/2023)


A collection of porcelain ladies, freely inspired by the Greek MUSES, which reinvents the female archetype with a contemporary, stylistically lively and at times irreverent language.
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